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Just a few minor changes

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Hey, everyone!


Don't worry; you're still on KRDKSecrets.com. I'm having to upgrade the software for the forum to the most recent version (what with it switching ownership and the problem with copyright, I've been a little lax in upgrades), and we'll lose the custom skin that we know (the red, white, and yellow). I'm working on figuring out how I'll restore it, and I'm not entirely sure how different the forum will look. (Hopefully, it'll be pretty similar, minus red, white, and yellow. I think I'm annoying the person who's helping me through it with all my questions. XD)


See you all soon!

-Kamen Rider Lynx

P.S. If you have any questions (or ideas for a new skin, because I think some of us are a little sick of the bright colors, though I'll hold a poll on what it should look like), just ask! :D

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Is this dark enough for you? :P I'll work on adding a few more KRDK related images as time goes on. I need to figure out how to use the new skin editor. (And I'm not a techie, so that might be a while...XD) Thankfully, everything seems to have remained where it was supposed to, so no starting over needed anywhere. :)

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